Isaiah 6:1-8
Introduction: What makes something or someone worthy?
I. He Is Worthy
A. Isaiah 6:1-4
1."_______, _______, ________"- pure to the perfect degree; set apart and unlike anything else
2. His ________ fills the whole earth!
B. Similar throne room scene in _________chapters 4-5
C. This is the same God today! He is ____ _________ _________.
II. He Makes Us Worthy
A. Isaiah 6:5-7
1. The prophet's realization:"______ ________! For I am __________ ......"
2. The seraphim's response: "...your guilt is_____ ______, and your sin _____ _____."
B. Like Isaiah, we don't _____ God's favor or forgiveness. He _____ you! (Colossians 1:9-12)
C. Luke 15:17-24 - The son says, "I am _____ _____..." The father says, "I choose to make you worthy"
III. Walking Worthy
A. Isaiah 6:8 - Knowing God's worthiness and his own, Isaiah says:"_______ ____ ____; _______ _____!"
B. God's word repeatedly charges us to in a _____ manner.
1. Colossians 1:10 - walking worthy requires the right _____________
2. Philippians 1:27 - walking worthy requires the right _____________
3. Ephesians 4:1-3 - walking worthy requires the right _____________
Conclusion: YOU are worthy ________ ____________!