Bible Classes
Where We Begin: The Fear of the Lord + The Storehouse for Wisdom: A Good and Honest Heart
Series: Insight: A Study of ProverbsLesson 1 : Where We Begin: The Fear of the Lord
Studying from Proverbs Chapter 1
Questions to Consider:
1. What determines the difference between the foolish and the wise?
2. What criminal activity today mirrors that mentioned in verse 14?
3. What is the response of the wise to those who attempt to involve us in things that are wrong?
4. Why will God not answer those in trouble in verses 28-30?
5. In light of the things God has revealed in this study, how will you respond in prayer
to Him?
Lesson 2: The Storehouse for Wisdom: A Good and Honest Heart
Studying from Proverbs Chapter 2
Questions to Consider:
1. Identify and discuss five things required in order to obtain wisdom.
2. How can we prevent being led down the road with the unrighteous?
3. Define moral courage.