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The Priest Who Never Dies
He was the first high priest of Israel. The brother of Moses. His name was Aaron.
And Aaron died there on the top of the mountain... And when all the congregation saw that Aaron had perished, all the house of Israel wept for Aaron thirty days. (Numbers 20:28-29)
He had been their first high priest--the man appointed to intercede between the people of Israel and the LORD. He had died, and thousands upon thousands of men and women wept for a month.
Centuries later, notice what the Holy Spirit communicates:
This makes Jesus the guarantor of a better covenant.
The former priests were many in number, because they were prevented by death from continuing in office, but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever. Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. (Heb 7:23-25)
Jesus, having been raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him (Rom 6:9). Jesus is serving as high priest at this very moment. He is able to save in 2016, 2017, and beyond, as long as this world stands. He lives--just as surely as you live right here and right now--to make intercession for those who draw near to God through him.
Seek reconciliation with your Creator based on the work of Aaron and you come up empty. Thousands of years ago, Aaron was prevented by his own death from continuing in office. Jesus, on the other hand, is a living and presently reigning intercessor. Pray in the name of Aaron and you are praying on your terms in the name of a mere mortal who lived and died. Jesus, on the other hand, shed his own blood, conquered death, and lives in glory to make intercession for those who draw near to God through him.
This makes Jesus the guarantor of a better covenant.
What in this world is worth having or enjoying at the expense of forfeiting such access to the God of the universe? What is so pressing today that I would neglect to spend time in fervent prayer to my heavenly Father in the name of this perfect high priest? A high priest who lives to make intercession. For me.