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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/08/11 "Are You Lukewarm?" Jim Jonas If Jesus Wrote Us a Letter Gospel Meeting 3348704_22142.mp3
11/07/11 "Are You Morally Pure?" Jim Jonas If Jesus Wrote Us a Letter Gospel Meeting 3348703_22142.mp3
11/06/11 Letters to the Seven Churches: An Overview Jim Jonas If Jesus Wrote Us a Letter Gospel Meeting 3348700_22142.mp3
11/06/11 "Have You Left Your First Love?" Jim Jonas If Jesus Wrote Us a Letter Gospel Meeting 3348701_22142.mp3
11/06/11 "Are You Ready For Persecution?" Jim Jonas If Jesus Wrote Us a Letter Gospel Meeting 3348702_22142.mp3
10/30/11 Our Assemblies: Why We Observe the Lord's Supper Jason Hardin Our Assemblies: Why? Sunday AM 3348698_22142.pdf 3348698_22142.mp3
10/30/11 A Glimpse of the Glorified Christ in Revelation Jason Hardin N/A Sunday PM 3348699_22142.pdf 3348699_22142.mp3
10/16/11 Our Assemblies: Why We Sing Jason Hardin Our Assemblies: Why? Sunday AM 3348696_22142.mp3 3348696_22142.pdf
10/16/11 Our Assemblies: What About Instrumental Music? Jason Hardin Our Assemblies: Why? Sunday PM 3348697_22142.pdf 3348697_22142.mp3
10/09/11 Why Do We Assemble As A Church? Jason Hardin Our Assemblies: Why? Sunday AM 3348693_22142.pdf 3348693_22142.mp3
10/09/11 Our Assemblies: Why We Preach Jason Hardin Our Assemblies: Why? Sunday PM 3348695_22142.pdf 3348695_22142.mp3
09/25/11 Hazards on the Highway of Life Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 3348690_22142.pdf 3348690_22142.mp3
09/25/11 The “Perfect” Psalm Jason Hardin N/A Sunday PM 3348692_22142.pdf 3348692_22142.mp3
09/11/11 "Without the Shedding of Blood..." Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 3348688_22142.pdf 3348688_22142.mp3
09/11/11 When He Isn't the Rock You Need Jason Hardin N/A Sunday PM 3348689_22142.pdf 3348689_22142.mp3
09/04/11 The Right to the Tree of Life Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 3348686_22142.pdf 3348686_22142.mp3
09/04/11 When Life's Garden Produces Thorns Jason Hardin N/A Sunday PM 3348687_22142.pdf 3348687_22142.mp3
08/28/11 Why Do We Exist? The Work of God Jason Hardin Why Do We Exist as a Local Church? Sunday AM 3348682_22142.pdf 3348682_22142.mp3
08/28/11 Self-Centered Religion vs. The Gospel Jason Hardin N/A Sunday PM 3348684_22142.pdf 3348684_22142.mp3
08/21/11 Why Do We Exist? The Worship of God Jason Hardin Why Do We Exist as a Local Church? Sunday AM 3348681_22142.pdf 3348681_22142.mp3
08/14/11 Why Do We Exist? The Word of God Jason Hardin Why Do We Exist as a Local Church? Sunday AM 3348678_22142.pdf 3348678_22142.mp3
08/14/11 Why Do Young People Remain Faithful? Jason Hardin N/A Sunday PM 3348679_22142.pdf 3348679_22142.mp3
08/07/11 Why Do We Exist as a Local Church? Jason Hardin Why Do We Exist as a Local Church? Sunday AM 3348677_22142.pdf 3348677_22142.mp3
07/31/11 "The Kingdom of Heaven is Like a Net" Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 3348675_22142.pdf 3348675_22142.mp3
07/31/11 "By Many Or By Few" Jason Hardin N/A Sunday PM 3348676_22142.pdf 3348676_22142.mp3

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