

A Log & A Speck

Source Text: Exodus 18, Luke 6:41,42

Who was Jethro to Moses? (Ex. 18:1) ______________________________________________

What other role or responsibility did Jethro have? ____________________________________

List some of Moses’s accomplishments listed in the Bible ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Would it be easy to get over-confident if you did all those things? YES / NO

                  Was Jethro trying to be a busybody in Moses life? YES / NO 
                  Was he able to help Moses? YES / NO

How was he able to accept Jethro’s advice? (Numbers 12:3) ____________________________

In Luke 6, Jesus warns us of a way we can act like HYPOCRITES that we should avoid!

However, there is an important work in the last part of the verse that many overlook!

          We need to pray for a humble heart when those we love offer advice or admonishment.

What 2 things are we asked to do in verse 42 that we should be sure to do to be pleasing to 
God? ___________________________________ ______________________________________

“And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the 
fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.”
1 Thess. 5:12 - 18 (14)

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