

52 Days - Pt. 2

Series: Spring 2023 Gospel Meeting

To the saints at Laurel Canyon church of Christ: 

In order "to stir you up by reminding you" (2 Peter 1:13) of the challenges presented in the Sunday morning sermon "52 Days" (Sunday, April 2, 2023 – Tuesday, May 23, 2023): 

What Could YOU Do in 52 Days? 
• Read Through the Entire New Testament (5 chapters a day); or read through Luke (24 chapters) and Acts (28 chapters) - one chapter a day 
• End a Bad Habit, Begin a Good Habit 
• Make at Least One Spiritual Contact 

What Could THIS Local Church Do in 52 Days? 
• Strive for Perfect Attendance 
Every Member Increase Their Giving 
• Evangelistic Effort by the Local Church 

Spend a little quiet time reading the Bible today. Have you decided on a bad habit that you plan to overcome, as well as forming a good habit? Don't forget to start your spiritual contact/prospect list! Did you attend both services on Sunday? Are you planning to sacrifice and increase your giving during the next 52 Days? 

Let us have a mind to work (Neh. 4:6). Let us join in a united effort (Neh. 3). Let us, brethren, rise up and build! "Then they set their hands to this good 

in Christian love, 
Jesse Flowers 

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