This Little Light of Mine...
Luke 8:16 - "No one after _________________ a ______________ covers it with a __________ or puts it under a ___________ but puts it on a _______________ , so that those who enter may see the __________________."
Scripturally speaking, light refers to God, goodness, Christ, the Gospel, etc. When we become Christians we desire to share the "Good News" (The Gospel).
Name 3 things that you feel drain your desire to shine brightly for the Lord:
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John 8:12 tells of a way that we can find light for our journey through this dark and sinful world.
Think of the impact Jesus' words must have had on the newly healed blind man as He described Himself as the "light of the world"!
Matthew 25 is an illustration & careful warning to those who plan to live life outside of this light: And cast the worthless servant into the outer _____________________. In that place there will be ___________________ and ___________________ of ________________ . (vs. 30)
Paul, shining his light brightly to the Corinthians, reiterates this statement from God: "For God, who said, "Let _______________ shine out of ________________ ," has shone in __________ _________________ to give the ________________ of the knowledge of the glory of God in the ____________ of ________________ __________________ "
Paul was not bashful and was very determined to let his light shine.
How am I going to let my light shine?...