

The Battle Belongs to The LORD

Ephesians 6:10-18 

A lesson on the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:11) is a good review of the equipment God has supplied us with to fight against the whiles of the Devil. Today we want to be sure and stress two very important details that sometimes are overlooked, but NO LESS important to our success! 

As we read throughout the text of Ephesians 6:11-17 we learn that we have been given very special battle gear. What are each of these pieces made of? 

Our Belt: ___________________________________________________
Our Breastplate: ___________________________________________
Our Shoes: _________________________________________________
Our Shield: _________________________________________________
Our Helmet: _______________________________________________
Our Sword: ________________________________________________

5 KEY take-aways from studying about the "Whole Armor of God" 
1 - __________________________________________________________
2-  __________________________________________________________
3-  __________________________________________________________
4-  __________________________________________________________
5-  __________________________________________________________


The 2 VERY important points from this review are found in verses 10 & 18. 

Vs 10: We will be strong in the  ___________ and the ____________ of __________ _________________
Vs. 18 Once we put on all our gear, Paul encourages us to be  _________________ ___________the ______________


Paul wanted to open his mouth  _______________to _____________________ the  __________________________of the ______________________" (Ref. Eph. 6:19) 

Will I boldly declare the Gospel as I ought to speak? 

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