How Can I Prepare Myself for Worship?
The children of Israel knew what it was to prepare for the worship of the LORD their God.
- They were called to prepare themselves to hear from God at Mt. Sinai (Exo 19:9-11).
- Perpetual preparations would be required for the hundreds of annual appointed sacrifices.
- Every time the priests would minister at the tabernacle, they were to prepare themselves.
- On multiple occasions throughout the year, Jews would prepare for a journey to Jerusalem.
- Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare the Passover meal for the apostles in Luke 22:7-8.
- The LORD clearly revealed how he felt about getting the meager leftovers (Mal 1:6-14).
As disciples of Christ, we also are the recipients of a call to worship (John 4:24; Heb 10:19-25). Perhaps one of the most countercultural, influential things we can do in our fast-paced, success-driven society is to devote every first day of the week to rest, reflection, and worship.
So how do we prepare?