Bible Classes

Bible Classes



Displaying 126 - 150 of 1026

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/10/23 The Wonder of It All Jamie Helmick The Psalms Sunday Bible Study 231210-C.mp3
12/06/23 The Problem of Playing God Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Wednesday Bible Study
12/03/23 Family Matters Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Sunday Bible Study 231203-C.mp3
11/29/23 When Christians Quarrel Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Wednesday Bible Study 231129-C.mp3
11/26/23 The ABC’s of Praise Jamie Helmick The Psalms Sunday Bible Study 231126-C.mp3
11/22/23 The Wise and the Unwise Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Wednesday Bible Study 231122-C.mp3
11/19/23 Our God, He Is Alive! Jamie Helmick The Psalms Sunday Bible Study 231119-C.mp3
11/15/23 Tongue Trouble Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Wednesday Bible Study 231115-C.mp3
11/12/23 Our God Is an Awesome God Jamie Helmick The Psalms Sunday Bible Study 231112-C.mp3
11/08/23 Faith: It's More Than Talk Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Wednesday Bible Study 231108-C.mp3
11/05/23 Developing and Attitude of Gratitude Jamie Helmick The Psalms Sunday Bible Study 231105-C.mp3
11/01/23 Prejudice: Is It Really That Bad? Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Wednesday Bible Study 231101-C.mp3
10/29/23 In God We Trust Jamie Helmick The Psalms Sunday Bible Study 231029-C.mp3
10/25/23 Behave Like You Believe Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Wednesday Bible Study 231025-C.mp3
10/22/23 Having The Time of Your Life Jamie Helmick The Psalms Sunday Bible Study 231022-C.mp3
10/18/23 The Truth About Temptation Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Wednesday Bible Study 231018-C.mp3
10/15/23 Dear God, Whose Side Are you On? Jamie Helmick The Psalms Sunday Bible Study 231015-C.mp3
10/10/23 The Truth About Troubles Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Wednesday Bible Study 231011-C.mp3
10/08/23 The Song of the Mid-life Crisis Jamie Helmick The Psalms Sunday Bible Study 231008-C.mp3
10/04/23 Introduction to The Case for Practical Christianity Jamie Helmick James - The Case for Practical Christianity Wednesday Bible Study 231004-C.mp3
10/01/23 Quarter Review + The Parables of the Sheep & the Goats Jamie Helmick The Parables of Jesus Sunday Bible Study
09/27/23 Those Who Do Harm John Cincinnati Unsung Heroes Wednesday Bible Study 230927-C.mp3
09/24/23 The Parable of The Talents Jamie Helmick The Parables of Jesus Sunday Bible Study 230924-C.mp3
09/20/23 Those Who Quit - Lesson B John Cincinnati Unsung Heroes Wednesday Bible Study 230920-C.mp3
09/17/23 The Parable of The Ten Virgins Jamie Helmick The Parables of Jesus Sunday Bible Study 230917-C.mp3

Displaying 126 - 150 of 1026

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