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Upcoming Adult Bible Classes for the Spring Quarter
Our Bible classes are an integral part of our growth as individuals and as a church. If you’re not in the habit of attending our Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes, we would love to see you get this Spring started off on the right foot by joining us to study God’s word. Here’s what you can expect.
- That You May Have Certainty: The Gospel According to Luke (2) (taught by Jason Hardin & Craig Davis in the Auditorium) - throughout the first six months of 2016, we’re studying the Gospel of Luke together. By the end of this month, we will have completed Luke 12. April 3rd is the first Sunday of our new Spring quarter and we’ll begin by studying Luke 13 together. We hope you’ll join us as we get to know Jesus—our Savior and Lord—and his will for our lives more fully throughout the Spring.
- The Christian in the 21st Century (taught by Nathan Matthews and David Pike in the Auditorium) - in an increasingly corrupt culture, modern Christians face many challenges. Technology, for example, can provide a wealth of information at our fingertips but also prove to be a devastating pitfall. Can the Bible, written so many years ago, provide any guidance for us today? YES! This class will help us as modern disciples navigate our ever-changing environment. Topics will include: worldliness, distraction, social media, pornography, depression, anxiety, time management, shining as lights in the world, and more. There is no need to sign up for this class.
- Solomon: The Half Has Not Been Told (taught by Jason Hardin & Ed Moore in Classroom #8) - born with all the benefits, blessed with wisdom, and bestowed with incredible riches, no one began with more promise than King Solomon. However, the wisest man came to play the fool. This class will explore how Solomon’s life was derailed by fleshly passions, but we will also look into the invaluable wisdom he has left behind. There is still much to learn. If you are interested in this class, please sign up for it on the bulletin board in the foyer so we know how much material to prepare.